Dean of Faculty

Gower College Swansea is one of Wales' leading Further Education Colleges and is committed to excellence and to making a lasting contribution to the growth and success of the vibrant communities that we serve.

Thanks to our highly committed and talented staff, we are able to provide outstanding learning and training opportunities for young people, adults and employers across South West Wales.

It’s an exciting time for us at the moment, as we take our strategy for growth to the next stage, with a clear focus on taking advantage of the many opportunities that our reputation as a leading institution is attracting.

The College is now seeking to appoint a new Dean of Faculty.

The successful candidate has the opportunity to shape the identity of a Faculty which will encompass three or four Learning Areas, and to take a cross-college strategic lead on certain provision primarily A Levels, drawing on the successful candidate’s areas of expertise and proven success.

Reporting to the Deputy Principal, the Dean will be a member of the College Management Team, and will play an important role in setting wider College strategy and managing its implementation.

Candidates will possess the vision and commitment to play a leading role in the strategic development of the College, promoting excellence in teaching and learning, supported by an ability to motivate and inspire. The role requires outstanding leadership, communication, organisation, innovation and planning skills and applicants will have an excellent track record of working collaboratively and building strong internal and external relationships.

If you would like an informal discussion regarding this role with the Deputy Principal Nick Brazil, arrangements can be made by ringing (01792) 284059.

Please apply via the link.


Mae Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yn un o golegau addysg bellach arweiniol Cymru ac mae’n ymrwymedig i ragoriaeth a gwneud cyfraniad hirbarhaol i dyfiant a llwyddiant y cymunedau bywiog yr ydym yn eu gwasanaethu.

Diolch i’n staff ymroddedig a dawnus, rydym yn gallu darparu cyfleoedd dysgu a hyfforddi rhagorol i bobl ifanc, oedolion a chyflogwyr ar draws de-orllewin Cymru.

Mae’n amser cyffrous i ni ar hyn o bryd wrth i ni gymryd y cam nesaf yn ein strategaeth ar gyfer tyfiant, gyda ffocws clir ar fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd niferus y mae ein henw da fel sefydliad arweiniol yn eu denu.

Mae’r Coleg bellach yn dymuno penodi Deon Cyfadran newydd.

Mae gan yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus gyfle i siapio hunaniaeth Cyfadran a fydd yn cwmpasu tair neu bedair o Feysydd Dysgu, ac i gymryd arweiniad strategol traws-golegol ar ddarpariaeth benodol megis cyrsiau Safon Uwch. Gwneir hyn drwy ddefnyddio arbenigedd a phrofiad blaenorol yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus.

Bydd y Deon yn atebol i’r Dirprwy Bennaeth a bydd yn aelod o Dîm Rheoli’r Coleg. Bydd yn chwarae rhan bwysig wrth bennu strategaeth ehangach y Coleg a rheoli ei gweithrediad.

Bydd gan ymgeiswyr yr weledigaeth a’r ymrwymiad i chwarae rôl arweiniol yn natblygiad strategol y Coleg, gan hyrwyddo rhagoriaeth mewn dysgu ac addysgu yn ogystal ag ysgogi ac ysbrydoli. Mae sgiliau arwain, cyfathrebu, trefnu, arloesi a chynllunio rhagorol yn ofynnol i’r rôl hon a bydd gan ymgeiswyr hanes ardderchog o weithio’n gydweithredol ac adeiladu perthnasoedd cryf yn fewnol ac yn allanol.

Of hoffech chi gael sgwrs anffurfiol â’r Dirprwy Bennaeth Nick Brazil ynghylch y rôl hon, gellir trefnu hynny drwy ffonio (01792) 284059.